PENGUAT SIGNAL l REPEATER GSM l REPEATER BOOSTER l PENGUAT 80 M2 l AT-400, Penguat Sinyal GSM, Coverage Area 80 m2
Garansi 1 tahun
Harga diluar ongkos kirim dan pemasangan
AnyTone brand AT-400 GSM 900MHz Mobile Phone Signals Booster Repeater
80 Square Meters
* GSM 900MHz Anytone brand mobile booster repeater
* AT-400
* Perfect signal result
* 80 square meters ( 80m2)
* 80m2 indoor coverage
* Adaptor teo ports full-duplex design
* Practical, beautiful and easy to install
* Good reliability, meet the standard of GB6993-86
* The comatibility of battery meets the standard of ETS300 609-4
* Frequency Range: Up Link: 890-915MHz, Downlink: 935-960Mhz
* Output Power ( 3rd > 4rd) : UL : 5dBm, DL: 5dBm
* Gaub: UL: 30dB, DL: 40dB
* In-Band Ripple: < 3dB
* Group Deley: 1.5 us
* Spurious Emission
Untuk Info Hub :
Indah/ Cici
Telp : 08170886364/ 021-74637308/ 082113513454
YM : optimacel/ optimatel
Email : optimacel@