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MILZONE Airgun,  Airsoft & Action Gear Supply
MILZONE Airgun, Airsoft & Action Gear Supply


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NO-MAR Camo Gun & Bow Tape

Harga : Rp 166.500

The Hunter' s Specialties No-Mar ® Gun & Bow Tape features a durable, moisture-proof vinyl cover that is great for covering Guns, Bows, Outboard Motors, Naturalist Gear & ....
ALLEN Camo Duct Tape - 10 feet

Harga : Rp 150.000

Technically itâ � � s Camo Form ® Self -Cling Camouflage, but most everyone just refers to it as Camo Form Tape. Whatever you call it, it works. As you can see in the depiction....
ALLEN Camo Duct Tape - 10 yards

Harga : CALL

Technically itâ � � s Camo Form ® Self -Cling Camouflage, but most everyone just refers to it as Camo Form Tape. Whatever you call it, it works. As you can see in the depiction....
McNETT_ Camo Form® Protective Camouflage Wrap

Harga : Rp 328.500


Camo Form ® is ideal for shotguns & rifles, bows, scopes, binoculars, flashlights, outboard motors, oars, dog collars and other gear....
Competition Electronics - Indoor Lighting System

Harga : Rp 1.620.000

A compact, easy to setup electronic lighting system that provides optimum chronograph performance in an indoor or low light environment.

Product Features :
* Portable and....
Competition Electronics - ProChrono Digital Chronograph

Harga : Rp 2.700.000

Official chronograph to certify loads for SASS and Bianchi Cup events !

Accurate velocity measurement for rifles, pistols, arrows and shotguns. Easy to set-up and use with a....
X-Cortech X3200 Chronograph

Harga : Rp 1.350.000

- Muzzle velocity Measurement: 10~ 400MPS
- Rate of Fire Measurement: 100~ 9999RMP
- Muzzle Kinetic Energy Calculation: 0.01~ 999 Joule
- Backlight LCD Dot Matrix Display
- 6....
AEARO ULTRAFIT Ear Plugs w/ Case

Harga : Rp 50.000

> No rolling or touching plug portion during insertion, eliminating hand-to-ear contamination.
> You get the best noise protection possible with a premolded ear plug.
> Patented....
SUREFIRE_ Sonic Defenders® Plus EP4

Harga : Rp 425.000

EP4 Sonic Defenders melindungi pendengaran anda tanpa mengganggu kemampuan anda mendengar suara2 rutin atau percakapan. Rancangan 3 batang bibir ( tripple-flange stem) cocok untuk....
Radians_ Pro-Amp Electronic Earmuff

Harga : Rp 1.920.000

> Designed specifically with frequent shooters in mind, those in shooting sports or law enforcement.
> The Pro-Ampâ � ¢ automatically compresses harmful impulses and continuous....
Peltor_ Bull' s Eye 6 Shotgunner Ear Protector

Harga : Rp 605.000

PELTORÂ ® - Bull' s Eye 6 ShotGunner Hearing Protection

Protect your hearing the way you want with the Peltor Bull' s Eye 6.
In all kinds of shooting, hearing protectors have a....
UMAREX Universal Trigger Lock

Harga : Rp 200.000

Rubber panels prevent scratching

A simple, affordable security measure that slips into place and prevents unauthorized use of your firearm.

Target Buttpad

Harga : CALL

* Karet Popor model Target
* Berbentuk kurva untuk sandaran yang lebih stabil pada bahu petembak.
* Ketinggian dapat diatur, untuk menyesuaikan ketinggian antara mata petembak....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. .22 LR

Harga : Rp 25.000

Snap Caps ( dummy rounds) OMNIAPLAST-Italy ini jauh lebih berguna dari apa yang mungkin dipikirkan oleh kebanyakan petembak. Cukup banyak keausan terjadi pada bagian pemukul ( ....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. .22LR

Harga : Rp 30.000

PACHMAYR-U.S.A. snap caps are precisely molded from a resilient polymer for many safe, damage-free hammer drops. After extensive experimentation and testing, these snap caps tough....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. .38 Special

Harga : Rp 125.000

Snap Caps ( dummy rounds) OMNIAPLAST-Italy ini jauh lebih berguna dari apa yang mungkin dipikirkan oleh kebanyakan petembak. Cukup banyak keausan terjadi pada bagian pemukul ( ....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. 9 mm

Harga : Rp 125.000

Snap Caps ( dummy rounds) OMNIAPLAST-Italy ini jauh lebih berguna dari apa yang mungkin dipikirkan oleh kebanyakan petembak. Cukup banyak keausan terjadi pada bagian pemukul ( ....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. .45

Harga : Rp 125.000

Snap Caps ( dummy rounds) OMNIAPLAST-Italy ini jauh lebih berguna dari apa yang mungkin dipikirkan oleh kebanyakan petembak. Cukup banyak keausan terjadi pada bagian pemukul ( ....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. .223REM

Harga : Rp 150.000

Snap Caps ( dummy rounds) OMNIAPLAST-Italy ini jauh lebih berguna dari apa yang mungkin dipikirkan oleh kebanyakan petembak. Cukup banyak keausan terjadi pada bagian pemukul ( ....
Snap Caps ( peluru dummy) cal. .308WIN [ Out of Stock]

Harga : CALL

.308 WIN = 7.62x51 NATO

Snap Caps ( dummy rounds) OMNIAPLAST-Italy ini jauh lebih berguna dari apa yang mungkin dipikirkan oleh kebanyakan petembak. Cukup banyak keausan....
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